Glossary of Terms

Voting Restrictions

Voting restrictions are on the rise across the country by many state legislators, organizations, dark web, bad actors. Be aware. Check for any new laws, check your voter registration, plan for your vote to count.

Addtional Stats & Info:
  • Brennan Center for Justice: Voting Laws Roundup: 2023 in Review
  • Democracy Docket: The RNC’s 2024 Platform Escalates Attack on Voting Rights by Matt Cohen
  • Voter Restriction include:
    • Banning water to be provided to voters waiting on long lines in order to vote
    • Not allowing time off from work on Election Day
    • Restrictions on registering voters
    • Restrictions on driving people to voting locations
    • Insufficient voting machines
    • Broken Voter Machines put out on Election day
    • Insufficient Staff on voting days
    • Delays to vote on Election day… and denial of deadline or open hours not extended
    • Blocking people registering others to vote
    • Laws banning gathering to get rally for important voting causes
    • Annual changes to voting rules
    • Changes to voting location (up to date of election)
    • Moving voting locations to locations not readily accessible by public transportation
    • Mandating identification not universally had by voters (drivers license)
    • Mandating signature matches to be exact. Who has the same signature as they did years ago?
    • Delay in postal service by USPS during election season - when mail in ballots are critical to arrive by deadlines
    • Losing the right to vote due to misdemeanor
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