Glossary of Terms

Voter Suppression

Britannica: any legal or extralegal measure or strategy whose purpose or practical effect is to reduce voting, or registering to vote, by members of a targeted racial group, political party, or religious community. The overwhelming majority of victims of voter suppression in the United States have been African Americans.

Addtional Stats & Info:
  1. Bans on same day or mail in voting
  2. Passing vague laws about voting that confuse even the police/sheriff
  3. Shortened deadlines to register to vote
  4. Voter purges with no notice
  5. Asking of photo ID to vote, which a number of eligible voters do not have
  6. Banning water given to voters waiting several hours in line to vote
  7. Insufficient voting machines for the # of voters (often in majority minority districts)
  8. Insufficient poll workers, also creating long lines to vote
  9. Reducing # of Drop Boxes to Vote by Mail
  10. Using damaged/malfunctioning voting machines that take hours to fix on election day, with no extension to hours polling location is open to vote
  11. Restrictions on voter registration
  12. Restrictions on assisting people to register and to vote
  13. Frequent changing of poll locations - including up to the day of the election with little or notice to the voters
  14. Sending out malicious misinformation about voting
  15. Banning formerly incarcerated people from voting
  16. Claims that if you have a parking infraction or owe child support, you can not vote or will be arrested if you do

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